IKI: A Game of EDO Artisans

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Step into the world of Edo with IKI: A Game of EDO Artisans, where you'll explore the famous street of old Tokyo and immerse yourself in the bustling Nihonbashi Bridge fish market.

Meet the quirky characters who perform a variety of 700-800 jobs, from street vendors to puppet masters to even ear cleaners. In this game, you'll strive to embody the essence of "IKI" - the ideal way of living in Edo - by understanding human nature and embodying refinement and charm. Be the ultimate IKI master and win the title of annual Edoite!

  • Players: 2-4 Players
  • Playtime 60-90 Mins
  • Age: 14 Years +
  • Designer: Koota Yamada
  • Artist: Dommiy, David Sitbon, Koota Yamada

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