In 2070s, humans have colonized hundreds of planets in the galaxies, with robots being extensively used for space missions. Due to the massive production of robots, thousands of the old types need to be retired and humans decide to allocate the expired robots in the outer space trapped with a surrounding ring and wait until their batteries die out. One day, a number of disposed robots suddenly recharge themselves and revive back to action without control!
The three “Planet Defenders” are human pride. They are equipped with the most powerful radar system so that they can detect the intruders and use the laser beam to destroy them immediately. Players must travel through space, collect cosmic energy and equipment to capture the rogue robots.
Planet Defenders is a fun sci-fi themed set collection, resource management and order fulfillment gateway game that's great for 2-4 Players.
Age: 10 +
Playtime: 30-60 Minutes
Players: 2-4 Players